Digital Photography Instruction Support Pages - Steve Gandy Photography


Menus Explorations

Do You have your Manual?! This a trip into the mind of the engineers! Good luck and leave a trail of cookie crumbs.

My Menus, Recent settings or custom settings can save you a lot of time.

Try to memorize the terms they use, not how you think about it.

CANON: Custom Functions

NIKON: Custom Setting Menu

Absolutely, learn how to find these fast, some will have buttons as well as menus:

  • Delete
  • Image Review off/on
  • Image Quality/Size
  • Auto Focus settings you like to change
  • Metering choices
  • Bracketing
  • Format memory card
  • Clock setting

Chart assignment:

  1. Write the Menu group title.
  2. Explore the menu, try settings you understand, look up ones you don't in the Manual
  3. Don't get hung up on items that don't apply to you right now.
  4. Write your description of of the menu group.
  5. Note an example or two or the most important items for you.
  6. Repeat for each menu group.
  7. If your camera has a MY MENUS menu, learn how to set it up and do so with at least 2 items you thing will be useful.

When shooting:

Which menus do you see yourself returning to over and over again?

Which ones do you need to re-read the explanations for?