Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop

Steve Gandy - -

Links - Resources - Gotchas



  • The shear complexity!
  • Watch out when using the text tool, you can easily slip into creating a new layer or moving the wrong one. It takes some experience to know what a “click” is going to do.
  • Watch out for help videos that are from another version.
  • Sometimes a command will just not work as it should. Again the complexity. Always be prepared to SQR, Save-Quit-Restart.
  • When trying to draw, beware of the choice between shape – pixels – and paths. Know which one you want.
  • Beware of file size. A layered photograph can easily reach 250MB and if you convert for
  • “Smart Objects” it can double in size. How big is your drive?
  • Know what is destructive and what isn’t.
  • If something isn't working right, check the tool you have selected and its options. Then check which layer you have selected!
  • Save often!