Postcards/Brochures from Space


Steve Gandy

Mountain View Elementary School

Broomfield, Colorado


Linda Block-Gandy

Janet Walter




Subject Matter:

Elementary, Research, Science, Technology





Software Application:

Appleworks, StarOffice, MS Office/Publisher




Take readers on a journey to a planet in our solar system through information presented in either a postcard or brochure.


State & National Standards:

CO- Colorado Academic Standards

Ç Subject : Science

Ç Standard 4: Earth and Space Science: Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth's systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space. (Focus: Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Oceanography)

Ç Key Idea 4.4: Students know the structure of the solar system, composition and interactions of objects in the universe, and how space is explored

Ç Grade/Level : Grades K-4

 Performance Indicator : describing what can be readily observed by the unaided eye in the daytime and nighttime sky (for example, the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, constellations);

 Performance Indicator : identifying basic components of the solar system (for example, Sun, planets, moons);


Local Standards:


Standard #2 Productivity Applications: Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

2A Word Processing        

2A.1 Keyboarding

2A.1.1 Uses touch typing with home row keys

2A.2 Editing

2A.2.1 Uses spell check and thesaurus

2A.3 Formatting

2A.3.1 Changes character formatting such as font and color

2A.3.2 Utilizes different document layouts (i.e. newsletter, etc.)

2A.3.3 Changes document formatting such as alignment, bulleted/numbered lists, borders, line spacing, margins, etc.

2A.3.4 Inserts a graphic into a word-processed document

2E Uses drawing tools to create an original graphic

2E.1 Uses drawing tools such as selection tools, eyedropper, etc.


Lesson Outcomes:

Students will become familiar with the solar system and its components. They will enhance their understanding of the earth and the space around it by creating a postcard or brochure describing characteristics and facts about a planet. Students compare this planet's characteristics to those of Earth.



The writing portion of this project should be graded using the Adams 12 grade 4 writing rubric.

The science portion of this project should be graded using the rubric provided below.

See the Graphics/Text Integration Lesson Plan for information on assessing the technology skills associated with this project.





Planet Brochure/Planet Postcard  

4th Grade Content Summary Paragraph Rubric





Student Prerequisites:

Classroom research on the planets should be completed or in progress before the start of this project. Students should come to the lab prepared with their research facts.


Lesson Preparation:

Teachers may want to assign certain planets to individual students or groups. Classroom time should be spent conducting the research on each planet. Research can be done using the Solar System Internet Activity.


Time Frame:

8 class periods. 45 Min. per class.


Implementation Steps:

Days 1 & 2 BIG PICTURE

- Use the painting tools to create a large picture for the front of the postcard or brochure

- An image 718 pixels across and 572 pixels down will print on a 81/2 x 11 piece of paper with 1 inch margins


Days 3 & 4 STAMP

- Create a smaller picture for use as the stamp on the postcard or an additional picture for the brochure

- Get creative with the painting tools to "erase" parts of the edges so it looks like a postage stamp

- Use the text tool to write the postage amount on the image


Days 5 & 6 WRITING

- Postcard: Type the research report in letter format on the back of the postcard using a text box

- Brochure: Divide the report into separate topics and type the information in the text box columns using headings to describe the content


Days 7 & 8 PUBLISH

- Either insert the big picture image or select/copy/paste it on the front of the postcard or brochure

- Either insert the stamp image or select/copy/paste it on the back of the postcard or somewhere in the brochure


Note: Pictures of planets may be downloaded and imported into student documents. See the lesson plan titled, "Solar System Internet Activity" for links to solar system web sites.



Lesson Resources:

See Solar System Internet Activity Lesson Plan -


Postcard templates in AppleWorks format. Download Front -- Download Back




Product(s) Description:


  1. Brochure Front/Back
    An example of the front/back of a student brochure.
  2. Brochure Inside
    An example of the inside of a student brochure.
  3. Mercury Postcard
    An example of a student postcard.





This activity can be modified in a variety of ways. Newsletters, multimedia slideshows, and web sites are other products students could make with their space research.

Developed under a grant from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Open Gateways at Mountain View

Elementary School by Steve Gandy, Technology Coordinator -

© 2003